Topics Five, Six & Seven
Topic Five - Cardiovascular System; Pet First Aid II. Understanding the structure & function of the heart, vessels & blood, allows the student to understand & explain clinical findings and changes in the animal's body applicable to this body system. For example - why are the animal's gums blue, when I have learnt they should be pink? We also start to discuss common toxins animals encounter.
Topic Six - Pet Dentistry Pet Dentistry is a very important part of Veterinary Care, for all animals! The earlier pet owners start to look after their pets teeth - the happier and healthier their pets will be. It's up to you - the vet - to teach them how! Too many pets suffer with chronic & severe dental pain - mainly because they don't brush their teeth every day & of course - they can't tell us they're in pain! So we need to recognise dental disease, signs of dental pain, thoroughly examine our patients & perform dental procedures.
Topic Seven - Skeletal System; X-rays. Without a skeleton how would we stand up? In this topic you will study how bones are made & grow, learn about the names of bones in different body parts and some differences between animal species. We will also start to learn about xrays and use xrays to help learn about the skeleton.
This package includes Topics Five, Six & Seven, all printed and posted to you. You will need to complete Topics 1 - 4 before starting these topics.
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