Vet practices and animal shelters are busy places. If you want to secure a work experience position or job, you need to do some preparation to make sure you stand out from the crowd and be remembered as "The Keen One!"

Call ahead & speak to a Practice Manager saying you would like to: "Express my interest in any future positions. What would be an appropriate time to drop off my resume?"
Turn up at the door neatly dressed, in appropriate work clothes with your resume in hand.
Be prepared to explain exactly what type of position you would like, when you are available and ask what would be your duties.
Remember that most animal practices are busy places so be efficient in your presentation.
Telephone, email, message on Facebook or Instagram and expect to be given a job.
Turn up at the door in thongs.
Turn up empty handed - you need to leave a resume or letter of interest.
If you want to be remembered, don't forget to "Follow up" your enquiry in a week or two to show them you are really keen.